Policies & Governance


O.G.D. BICYCLE ACCESSORIES LTD, hereby referred to as OGC, is committed to the protection and security of your personal information. With your consent, OGC collects and stores some of your personal information. We use it for specific and legitimate purposes and for a specific period. Measures are in place to protect your personal information and to continue to maintain the accuracy and security of that information.

See the following sections to learn more.


Visits on our website

OGC uses Google Analytics for analysis purposes to improve its content, its campaigns, and the navigability of its website.

When you visit our site, Google Analytics collects certain specific information such as your IP address and certain information that we only have access to in an anonymized form compiled with the data of other users, such as your browser or your device.

You may refer to the Google Privacy Policy for more details.

Contact through our website

 When you write to info@ogc.ca, we collect your email address along with any information you choose to include in your message. We use it to assess the subject of your request, direct it to the right person and communicate with you. We keep your message for the time necessary to process it adequately and offer you additional services.


Use of cookies

Cookies are files saved on your device from a website, which allow your browser to interact with the site. OGC uses the Byscuit cookie manager which allows you to customize which data you agree to share with us and let us use to improve your experience on our website.

Necessary cookies: Necessary cookies ensure basic functions of the website. Without them, our site cannot function as intended. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable data. If you do not consent to our collecting of necessary cookies, please do not browse the OGC website. For all other cookies, you can consent or not to their use. 

Functional cookies: Functional cookies enable certain functionalities such as sharing website content on social media platforms, collecting comments, preferred location, and other third-party functionalities.

Analytical cookies: Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information about the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.

Performance cookies: Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze key performance indicators of the website, which helps provide a better user experience for visitors.

Advertising cookies: Advertising cookies are used to provide visitors with personalized advertisements based on previously visited pages and analyze the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

Our cookie manager stores authorized cookies for the precise duration set out in the Byscuit consent module, which you can configure according to your preferences.



Contact and Billing Information

We collect information necessary for the sound financial management of our organization, such as your name, coordinates and payment information. We keep them for the duration of our collaboration and for a reasonable period thereafter, to allow for an optimal and personalized treatment if you choose to use our services in the future.

Payment information is stored for the period required to be compliant with applicable legal and tax provisions.  After which the data will be destroyed.

Subscriptions to our social media

We have access to subscriber lists on our different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn pages (names, profiles, etc.), and we also have access to how subscribers interact with our posts (comments, shares, views, etc.).

If you visit our website from one of our social media posts, we use certain trackers to analyze the impact of our posts and measure the effectiveness of our campaigns.

Measures taken to protect your personal information

Your personal information is stored in Canada, or in the United States when used by service providers located in the United States (e.g. Google Analytics).

We take the following steps to keep your personal information safe:

  • Our work from home policy contains additional provisions on security and confidentiality standards for any information used in the context of work.
  • We choose recognized and trustworthy service providers, and we sign confidentiality agreements with them when applicable.
  • Our electronic devices are protected by passwords and our internet network by a firewall.
  • Our accounts are secured using multi-factor authentication.

People who work at OGC have access to your information only for one of the reasons described in this policy. We will never sell your information to an external person or organization.


Enquiries about your personal information

Any person can, upon request to pvp@ogc.ca :

  • Withdraw consent to the use of personal information held about them
  • Correct outdated or inaccurate personal information

The request must clearly indicate that it is a request for access to personal information and provide sufficient information to identify the person and the information sought.

To prevent any fraudulent request, OGC may take all reasonable measures to validate the identity of the person and reserves the right to refuse to disclose the requested information if the person does not fully collaborate in this validation or doubt remains about their identity.

We also reserve the right to refuse any request clearly formulated in a malicious, excessive, abusive and unjustified manner.

Personal information or confirmation of the absence of personal information will be provided by encrypted email within a reasonable time, not to exceed 60 business days.

Anyone must use our cookie file manager to deactivate non-obligatory cookies when visiting our site.

OGC’s personal information protection delegate is David Bowman, President, whom you can contact for the reasons set out in the policy at pvp@ogc.ca.



The policy was last updated on June 10, 2024. Any future changes to our policies will be published as they occur, noting the new update date.



Intellectual property notice

The OGC Website, including any content appearing on or accessible through the site, is protected by copyright. Any adaptation, reproduction or distribution thereof is hereby strictly prohibited unless expressly authorized.


BILL S211 – Fair Labour Practices

Outdoor Gear Canada aims to operate in full compliance with the law and is committed to respecting fair labour practices.  We ask the same of our suppliers.

We are in the process of establishing policies and measures to ensure that our diligence process meets the appropriate and feasible requirements to ensure we identify risks of forced labour or child labour in the supply chain activities and take appropriate measures if any issues are identified.

Founded in 1979, Outdoor Gear Canada is an exclusive distributor of premium cycling products that consumers have consistently chosen and elevated into Canada’s leading brands. Our distribution channel creates access and opportunity for these brands to reach retailers nationwide. Outdoor Gear Canada is headquartered in an office and warehouse complex in Montreal and operates a warehouse in Vancouver for western Canadian dealers.

The majority our trade suppliers are based in the U.S. with a couple headquartered in Europe. Many of those already have claims and statements to attest to their commitment and compliance to applicable local and/or international laws with regards to forced and child labour laws, as demonstrated on their ESG or CSR statements, published on their websites. We also work   with several suppliers of bicycles based in Asia and have asked our Asian agents (based in Taiwan) to confirm that those suppliers’ ’ operations meet the requirements set out in Bill S-211.

This statement constitutes our forced labour and child labour statement as of the fiscal year ended 30 September 2023 and is made pursuant to Bill S-211 passed by the Canadian Federal parliament on May 3rd, 2023, which received royal assent effect January 1st, 2024.

Outdoor Gear Canada attests that its Canadian operations has not engaged in or tolerated any forced and/or child labour.  We have not yet conducted a full external audit of our trade suppliers who mostly outsource manufacturing in Asia and Europe.  The attestations we have gathered from our suppliers regarding their adherence to forced and child labour laws in large part are statements published on their websites.