Outdoor Gear Canada’s BMX division, OGCBMX, has been appointed the exclusive Canadian distributor of BSD, a renowned BMX brand, designed by riders for riders.
“BSD is a force on the BMX scene with a premium product offering and a stacked team. We’re very pleased to be their Canadian partner,” said Jeremy Deme, BMX Division Manager at OGC. "The addition of BSD to OGCBMX’s portfolio is another great step to ensuring Canadian dealers find the worlds best BMX brands at OGC.”
“Over the last few years we've heard a lot of good things about OGC," said Grant Smith, owner/operator of BSD. " They arethe most dialed BMX distributor in Canada, so we are stoked that they will be representing BSD from April 2020. Look out for more happening with BSD and OGCBMX soon!!”
“Over the last few years we've heard a lot of good things about OGC," said Grant Smith, owner/operator of BSD. " They are
OGCBMX will begin shipping BSD products to dealers immediately.
For more information on BSD, please visit : https://us.bsdforever.com/
For more information on OGC, please visit : http://www.ogc.ca
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Outdoor Gear Canada’s BMX division, OGCBMX, has been appointed the exclusive Canadian distributor of BSD, a renowned BMX brand, designed by riders for riders.
“BSD is a force on the BMX scene with a premium product offering and a stacked team. We’re very pleased to be their Canadian partner,” said Jeremy Deme, BMX Division Manager at OGC. "The addition of BSD to OGCBMX’s portfolio is another great step to ensuring Canadian dealers find the worlds best BMX brands at OGC.”
“Over the last few years we've heard a lot of good things about OGC," said Grant Smith, owner/operator of BSD. " They arethe most dialed BMX distributor in Canada, so we are stoked that they will be representing BSD from April 2020. Look out for more happening with BSD and OGCBMX soon!!”
“Over the last few years we've heard a lot of good things about OGC," said Grant Smith, owner/operator of BSD. " They are
OGCBMX will begin shipping BSD products to dealers immediately.
For more information on BSD, please visit : https://us.bsdforever.com/
For more information on OGC, please visit : http://www.ogc.ca
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