Gear of the year - Giro Switchblade
The Giro Switchblade made it's way on backcountryskiingcanada's gear of the year 2017
Outdoor Gear Canada (OGC) now distributing and servicing Marzocchi products in Canada
OGC/INTENSE/FOX announces 2016 canadian team riders
Outdoor Gear Canada announces the 2016 National Intense/Fox team comprised of a great group of athletes working together to represent two brands w(...)
Bombtrack signs distribution deal with Outdoor Gear Canada
Bombtrack Bicycle Company of Cologne, Germany, has signed a multi-year distribution agreement for Canada with Outdoor Gear Canada (OGC) of St-Lau(...)
Recon Intruments® JET™ distributed by OGC
OGC is proud to announce that we are the exclusive sporting goods distributor in Canada for the Recon Jet™ - Smart eyewear for your active lifesty(...)